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Сборка от компании Open Brasil Project ревизия 292

Описание: Скачать java сборку сервера от команды Open Brasil
Хроники: Epilogue
Версия: 292 revision
Размер: 20.6 MB
фиксы ревизии
DP: ¬¬
DP: Cleaning unused data + fixes on errors in console
DP: Need core support
DP: little mistake fix on custom_npc.sql
Core: revert #287
Core: New Death Match Event (puft :S) [need test]
Core/DP: Last Hero initial fixes / Typos / Fixing Compiler
Core/DP: Compiler/Typos
Core: Little fix
Core: Little Typos.
DP: Rework Database Installer
DP: Little mistake, sorry
DP: Last Hero Event Fix 1/2 | Typo
DP: Last Hero Event FIX 2/2
Core/DP: General Typo
DP: Beleth & Ranku AI added(NOT DONE)
DP: Fixes on Beleth & Ranku AI
DP: Sailren Quest Fixed (Retail) Thx Boulhosa
DP: Little fix
DP: Little fix on SQL
Core/DP: Fix Compilers + Ranku Fix
DP: Sailred Rework 1/2 (Needs script update on part 2)
DP: Quest Fixes / Disciple Instance Fixes
DP: Beleth AI Fix.
DP: Beleth SQL Correction.
DP: Sailren Rework 2/2 (Script Updated)
DP: Buffer Fix
Core: Compiler Fix
DP: Database Installer FIX
DP: Beleth & Ranku AI / Activated by default
DP: Bunny Event FIX (File Missing) [Thx Trankinagem]
DP: New AI DemonPrince / Disciples Instance Fix
Core: Possible fix for error
DP: Typo & Organization
Announcements fix.
DP: Simplifying AIO SQLs
DP: Simplifying Scheme Buffer SQLs
DP: Quest 196 active by default. (soon corrections)
Core/DP: Changing imports
Etc/DP: Eclipse files added / Quest 196 FIX
DP: Spawnlist fixes
DP: Droplist fixes (thx trovao for this last 2 fixes)
Creating paths for new imports.
Core: Last fix for imports (Deleting old folders)
Core: Little fix on faction system
Core: Sorry, my mistake!
Core: Some Typos & News for Faction System
New config file for faction system.
Core: Moving security config for the right place
Core: Stetic changes
Core: Stetic again 1/2
Core: Stetic again 2/2
Core: Organizing folders
Big Changes part 1
Big changes part 2
Big changes part 3
Big Changes part 4
Big changes part 5
Big changes part 6
Big changes part 7
Big changes -> Final!
DP: Little fix.
Core/DP: Bug mistake
Core: Mistake again
DP: Finalizing editions
Little fix on .trust handler
DP: Fix on customized SQLs
DP: Important SQL Re-Estruturation part 1
DP: Important SQL Re-Estruturation part 2 (BIG)(Final)
DP: Little fix (file not needed anymore)
New way to compile part 1
DP: Sorry, My Mistake =p
New way to compile part 2 (final)
Little Fix + Clean
Handler Fix
Core: Cosmetic Fix
Test: Maybe fix for unstable L2DatabaseFactory
DP: Removing NPC Buffer (Instability Problems)
Core: Trying to fix Geoengine
Core: Try to fix Geoengine/Geodata + Stabilty fixes
Little mistake! (need to pay attention =p)
Core: Cosmetic Changes!
New features confirmed
Core: Little fix
DP: SQl+DB Installer
FIXDP: Tiat AI Implemented (thx Trovao)
UPDATE -> Hitman Event
Core: Little fix on Hitman Instance
DP: Fixes on Tiat (not ready)
DP: Tiat AI disabled.
DP: Cleaning up
Core: Hitman fix no correct
Revert incorrect fix for hitman event
DP: Touch of Death FIX (Thx Strife)
DP: Bloodshed event Fix
Core: Changes on default settings.
DP: Changes on hellbound systems
DP: Gordon AI Update
DP: Little fix! Sorry mi mistake.
DP: Quest 643 Fixes
DP: Little fix on Final Secret SKILL
Core: Typo
DP: Fix on quest 643
DP: Bloodshed Event FIXES!
DP: Final changes on Bloodshed Event
DP: Update on Frintezza AI
DP: Little mistake
DP: Changes on Warpgate System pt1
DP: Changes on Warpgate System pt2
DP: Changes on Warpgate System pt3
CORE: Removing Faction System
DP: Removing Faction System.
DP: Problems with Warpgate!
Core: Removing HAS Event (pt1)
Core: Removing HAS Event (pt2)
CORE: reverting revision 115
CORE: reverting revision 116
CORE: Fixed rev 112 =D
DP: Fixed errors on Frintezza.
DP: Fixed errors.
DP: Little fix on beleth's message position
DP: Updates on bloodshed events
DP: Little fix on Warpgate
CORE: Possible fix for spawn new characters
DP: Removing unecessary content on Bloodshed
CORE: Possible fix spawn
CORE: Possible fix spawn
DP: Final fixes on Bloodshed events
DP: Great Improvements on Hellbound Leveling System!
Core: Typo (New staff member)
DP: Revert 131 + Little Change
CORE: Possible fix for Announce spawn blaksmith.
DP: Skill retail. Modification on time 15 for 30.
Modification file: 1400-1499.xml
DP: Translation.
DP: Quest translation
DP: Quest Translation (2 part)
CORE: Possible fix for invite to clan.
TRAC: Added the list of files ingore
CORE: Typo
CORE: CTF effects enabled.
DP: Typo
DP: Updates on Native Quarry Slaves
DP: Copying RimKamaloka do quests folder.
DP: Making RimKamaloka work
DP: Fix on holybrazier target
DP: News on HB Leveling System
DP: Revert unuseful changes.. srry
DP: SQL (npc.sql) rework
DP: SQL (spawnlist.sql) rework
DP: npc.sql fix
DP: Crypts of Disgrace update
DP: rework scripts/group_templates / part 1
DP: rework scripts/group_templates / part 2
DP: rework scripts/group_templates / part 3(final)
DP: Typo
Core: Changes on console
DP: SQL - Skills81+ -> Addon
Core: Typo
DP: Queen Ant AI little update
DP: Rework Beleth AI
DP: Rework Beleth AI
DP: Updates on beleth & queen ant
DP: Activating new AIs
DP: New race event
DP: Premium NPC SQL added
DP: Activtate + Fix Premium NPC
DP: Changes on Queen Ant's AI
DP: Fixes on queen ant
DP: Retail effect for Counter Critical
DP: Little fix on CCrit
DP: Counter Critical retail like
Core: Minor Changes / preparing for big changes
big changes 1
big changes 2
big changes 3
big changes 4
big changes 5
big changes 6
fixes on building
final change!
lil fix
Core: minor fixes
DP: Fix on building
major changes!
Core: Typo
Core: little fix
DP: last update on QA ai
DP: Updates on bloodshed party events & premium npc
Core: rework olympiad.java
Core: new olympiad.java
Core: lil fix
Core: New exception system for allowdiscarditems
Core: lil fix on exception
last fix 1
last fix 2 (OK!)
DP: Fix lil error queen ant
srry my mistake
Core: fix on SQLAccManager + phx protection on multisell
Core: little mistake..
Core: fix for dupe items exploit (temp)
Core: Optimizing xp gain
Core: Possible fix for oly + ss partial crash
Core: changes on compiler
Easy compiling!
DP: update to new mysql
Core: lil fix
DP: little fix on db installer
Core: new typo
DP: QA ai unstable :S
Core: putting definitive credits (typo)
DP: fix Magic Defense Toolkit for beginners
DP: Fix Herbs
DP: Fix Gordon Droplist
DB: fix drop/sell/trade items
DP: Little example fix (for boulhosa)
DP: Testing
Core: Novo Developer - boulhosa
DP: new teleport for hellbound
New developer colt
Core: fix for duplicate items (for coult)
DP: new command .trust for HB status
Core: removed HaS buggy event
DP: little fix on SQL
Core: revert 255
Core: forgot 3 files (HaS)
Core: removind last includes from HaS
DP: Removin HaS from datapack
Core: little fix for deleteme on offline trades.
Core: revert DeleteMe() fix on OfflineTradersTable
DP: Sorry little mistake!
Зеркало Рубрика: Lineage2 / Java. Сервера
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